RAISE your frequency
liberate your voice
ignite your soul


Get a first impression of the pure healing sounds of crystal bowls, voice & more. Lay or sit down, close your eyes, simply focus on the sounds and feel the vibrations reach every cell of your body…

Welcome to

Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. It's a space where we delve deep into the power of sound, voice, and holistic healing to reconnect with our true essence and elevate our frequency to new heights. Together, let's explore the depths of our soul and unlock our fullest potential.

Sound Healer with wind gong and crystal singing bowls

Meet your guide

Sound Medicine & Voice Empowerment Coach, ceremonial leader, Singer, Songwriter, Bonus-Mom, Student of Life & …

the heart and soul behind The Sonic Soul. I'm a firm believer in the power of music, frequencies and holistic healing to guide us back to ourselves. My own journey has taken me from the shores of the Baltic Sea to the mountains of Switzerland, and every step has been guided by a deep desire to help others raise their frequency, find their authentic voice and reclaim their true power. As a singer, songwriter, and certified Sound Medicine & Voice Empowerment coach, I'm here to support you on your path to freedom, purpose, and self-empowerment.

 how we’ll work together

Sound Healing Events -
Individual and Group

group sound bath meditations, workshops, ceremonies & more

Welcome to a world where everything is vibration, where every sound carries the potential to heal and transform. At my sound healing events, whether it's a group sound bath meditation, an intimate sound healing session, a sacred cacao ceremony, or a collaborative workshop, I invite you to experience the profound effects of harnessing the frequencies of nature.

Imagine yourself surrounded by the gentle resonance of crystal singing bowls, a soothing voice, the ethereal tones of chimes and more. As you immerse yourself in the symphony of sound, you'll find yourself effortlessly aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe. Whether you're seeking relief from stress and anxiety, looking to infuse your special moments with sacred vibrations, or exploring the limitless potential of sound healing in community, each event offers a transformative journey into the depths of your being.

Become a Sound Healer -
Online group training

Are you ready to unleash the healer within?

In this immersive 9-week training, you'll explore ancient techniques and modern methodologies for harnessing the healing properties of sound. From understanding the principles and history of sound therapy to practicing various sound healing modalities, you'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to facilitate profound healing experiences for yourself and others. You will get many extras to support you on your journey such as masterclasses for breathwork & more.

Whether you're a beginner seeking to deepen your connection with sound or a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your repertoire, this training is designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. Join an intimate group of like-minded sonic souls and discover the transformative potential of sounds and frequencies.

Free your Voice -
1 on 1 Coaching

your personal experience to unlock your authentic voice, learn to speak your truth & find your power within

Whether you seek vocal liberation, truth expression, or a harmonious singing journey, this coaching is your invitation to embrace the transformative power of your very unique voice. Discover the liberation that comes with unlocking your voice and speaking your truth with confidence. Learn to raise your own frequency and watch your life transform.

Upcoming events

let’s make some Noise

for the version of you who is empowered, aligned with her unique frequency, who knows and lives your soul’s purpose.
Are you ready?

your next steps

forward towards a higher frequency

  • Book your Call

    In a free 1:1 Call we will see how I can help you best and which offer resonates best.

  • Book a session/ event/ program

    Once you know what resonates most, we can go ahead right away and plan our first session or you can get prepare to join one of my events or my β€œBecome a Sound Healer” training.

  • Start the Journey

    Start with one of my offers, be empowered and watch yourself blossom.


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